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Welcome to our 49th sale.
For over 60 years our living has come from cattle in the true grassland environment.
Functional Fertility: I recently read articles in two publications concerning why there is a trend for so many open cows. All they talked about was body condition of the cows and if they were not a 5-6, you need to change your inputs and feed more high input supplement feed so those cows will breed. Same Ranch, same program that your dad and granddad have been working for 80 years. Again, you have to change. Not once did they say that extreme EPD’s, terminal growth, and race for the most created cows, too big for your ranch environment. Example: $Beef EPD is geared towards calves with a terminal end point and NO replacements retained. The Higher the $Beef EPD, the more TERMINAL. When you have maxed out the efficient maternal 1200-1300lb range cow, the only way to increase weaning weight is to increase cow size. Bigger cows = Bigger calves = bigger weaning weights. And there in lies the problem for bigger cows - they take more inputs to function. Not one time did they mention that synchronization and drugs to make them cycle to get bred has taken the natural sort out of Mother Nature to show which cows can cycle on low inputs and get bred without Dr. Drug, without the high supplement input environment. The Angus breed has become a race numbers and most Angus breeders have forgotten about the importance of maternal functional size for the grassland ranchers. Remember - in the American Angus Association, environment is never figured into the numbers.
Longevity: I can’t wait for when the create the longevity number to punch up the dams to see how many calves weaned naturally for how many generations. The age of the cow to the number of progeny weaned naturally - longevity and fertility go hand in hand. Cole Creek Angus raises Angus in the commercial man’s environment and proves them over time for the commercial cattleman, who wants Angus cows that are low input grassland cattle. Angus cattle that go out and harvest grass, travel, raise a calf and breed back on time by a herd bull.
At Cole Creek Angus we breed for low input Angus genetics. The 1200-1300lb cow wintered on hay and straw when the snow covers the grass, and only grass the rest of the time. We breed for feet, fertility, and function in range cows that can travel and still turn grass into dollars. The bigger is better breeders have lost sight of the value of what made Angus-Angus. Extreme EPDs with massive input feed, drugs to cycle and cattle bred out of the environment of the grassland ranchers have turned fertility, feet and function into the "F" words of the Angus breed. Be careful of your selections as a grassland rancher or you'll be adding another "F" word of your own to go along with these failed traits.
GUARANTEES: Our bulls are semen checked and no borderline flunking bulls are sold. We guarantee they will breed your cattle with quality semen. We do not guarantee against death, lightning, sickness, broken legs, injured or broken penis. In a breeding environment where bulls run together, it takes only one bull that's an ass-hitter to break penises. We guarantee the heifers breeds and gets pregnant. If they don't, return them and we will refund your money. This is the only guarantee we expect when we buy cattle and that's the one we give. We want you to come to our sale for the maternal grassland genetics and not the guarantees which create the false run-you-up, number buyer fake sales to cover their credit loss. Bid on our cattle for their worth. We believe a breeder needs to be totally honest with all their customers, treat all their customers the same and be totally honest with all their cattle, treat all their cattle the same. No games. We are not going to promise you fictitious weaning weights and numbers but we will promise you Angus cattle right in their type for production from grass. Ours is a program that has always bred for the maternal Angus cow and tested and selected for efficiency in the often stressful times of the dryland grass operation; that it takes ten or more calves to make a proven cow and that after over 50 years, generation after generation in this type of selection environment, Angus that have stood the best of time - maternal performance grassland Angus.
We invite you to Cole Creek Angus anytime. If you have questions or if I can help in any way, call me anytime - Greg - 406-962-3743
For over 60 years our living has come from cattle in the true grassland environment.
Functional Fertility: I recently read articles in two publications concerning why there is a trend for so many open cows. All they talked about was body condition of the cows and if they were not a 5-6, you need to change your inputs and feed more high input supplement feed so those cows will breed. Same Ranch, same program that your dad and granddad have been working for 80 years. Again, you have to change. Not once did they say that extreme EPD’s, terminal growth, and race for the most created cows, too big for your ranch environment. Example: $Beef EPD is geared towards calves with a terminal end point and NO replacements retained. The Higher the $Beef EPD, the more TERMINAL. When you have maxed out the efficient maternal 1200-1300lb range cow, the only way to increase weaning weight is to increase cow size. Bigger cows = Bigger calves = bigger weaning weights. And there in lies the problem for bigger cows - they take more inputs to function. Not one time did they mention that synchronization and drugs to make them cycle to get bred has taken the natural sort out of Mother Nature to show which cows can cycle on low inputs and get bred without Dr. Drug, without the high supplement input environment. The Angus breed has become a race numbers and most Angus breeders have forgotten about the importance of maternal functional size for the grassland ranchers. Remember - in the American Angus Association, environment is never figured into the numbers.
Longevity: I can’t wait for when the create the longevity number to punch up the dams to see how many calves weaned naturally for how many generations. The age of the cow to the number of progeny weaned naturally - longevity and fertility go hand in hand. Cole Creek Angus raises Angus in the commercial man’s environment and proves them over time for the commercial cattleman, who wants Angus cows that are low input grassland cattle. Angus cattle that go out and harvest grass, travel, raise a calf and breed back on time by a herd bull.
At Cole Creek Angus we breed for low input Angus genetics. The 1200-1300lb cow wintered on hay and straw when the snow covers the grass, and only grass the rest of the time. We breed for feet, fertility, and function in range cows that can travel and still turn grass into dollars. The bigger is better breeders have lost sight of the value of what made Angus-Angus. Extreme EPDs with massive input feed, drugs to cycle and cattle bred out of the environment of the grassland ranchers have turned fertility, feet and function into the "F" words of the Angus breed. Be careful of your selections as a grassland rancher or you'll be adding another "F" word of your own to go along with these failed traits.
GUARANTEES: Our bulls are semen checked and no borderline flunking bulls are sold. We guarantee they will breed your cattle with quality semen. We do not guarantee against death, lightning, sickness, broken legs, injured or broken penis. In a breeding environment where bulls run together, it takes only one bull that's an ass-hitter to break penises. We guarantee the heifers breeds and gets pregnant. If they don't, return them and we will refund your money. This is the only guarantee we expect when we buy cattle and that's the one we give. We want you to come to our sale for the maternal grassland genetics and not the guarantees which create the false run-you-up, number buyer fake sales to cover their credit loss. Bid on our cattle for their worth. We believe a breeder needs to be totally honest with all their customers, treat all their customers the same and be totally honest with all their cattle, treat all their cattle the same. No games. We are not going to promise you fictitious weaning weights and numbers but we will promise you Angus cattle right in their type for production from grass. Ours is a program that has always bred for the maternal Angus cow and tested and selected for efficiency in the often stressful times of the dryland grass operation; that it takes ten or more calves to make a proven cow and that after over 50 years, generation after generation in this type of selection environment, Angus that have stood the best of time - maternal performance grassland Angus.
We invite you to Cole Creek Angus anytime. If you have questions or if I can help in any way, call me anytime - Greg - 406-962-3743